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Data can fluctuate erratically at times, complicating analysis or comparisons between companies. 

To address this, displaying a mean reading of an indicator can be beneficial. In Scrab, we use the median (often a moving median) because it's more reliable than the simple arithmetic mean. 

The median is advantageous because it isn't heavily influenced by outliers; it arranges numbers from lowest to highest and identifies the middle value.

Displaying the median

To calculate a median, click on the three dots to the right of the metric you're interested in in the Master Chart.

The median sometimes overlooks changes in data over longer periods. The "moving median," which adjusts with the data, addresses this.

The moving median is derived from a series of medians of different subsets of the entire data set and can be calculated using data from various periods, such as 1, 3, 5, or 7 years.